Warehouse premises in Avonmouth would benefit from United Transport Authorities bid to bring the regions transport into the 21st Century

A new body to sort out Greater Bristol’s transport could raise millions of pounds, to help finally bring the region into the 21st century. Improved transportation would directly help the economy of the area, something our warehouse premises in Avonmouth are excited for.

On Thursday four local authorities will consider the pros and cons of an Integrated Transport Authority. An ITA is an organisation that would give Bristol city, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire and Bath and North East Somerset councils more control over bus, rail and other transport services.

warehouse premises avonmouth bristol

The campaign has received widespread and cross party support from councillors, MPs, residents and transport campaigners.

Parts of the country that have ITAs receive far more funding towards transport schemes, which supporters say is because the bodies are taken more seriously by central government.

If the scheme were to go through, the ITA would not only help commuters and convenience locals but would also have direct impact on the economy of the area. Distribution and manufacturing premises, as well as other businesses, would positively benefit from enhanced transportation in the area.

Source: Bristol Post