Manufacturing warehouse in Bristol continues recession rebound

Manufacturing conjures up images of steelworks, or big robotic factories making parts for the aerospace or automotive industries. And while these make major contributions to the UK manufacturing sector, the term also takes in a diverse range of industries, from food and drink and textiles to electronics, chemicals and plastics, all of which could operate at the highest level at Central Park Bristol, the manufacturing warehouse to let in the South West, where growth is consistent with the country as a whole.

Simon Howes, regional director for the Manufacturing Advisory Service (MAS) said: “We are increasingly confident that improving economic conditions are heralding a new era of growth for manufacturers and this is supported by a number of recent surveys, including our latest Manufacturing Barometer. These have pointed towards an upward turn in growth and increased investment intentions among the UK and South West manufacturing community. It is particularly encouraging to note that over half (59 per cent) of the SME manufacturers that responded to our latest Barometer report sales growth in the last six months, which is a rise of five per cent from the same time last year.

“This looks to have had a positive influence on recruitment plans, as almost half (49 per cent) of respondents indicate that they plan to engage more staff. There also appears to be a growing appetite for investment, with 44 per cent of the companies questioned stating they intend to invest in developing new technologies. This is the highest number recorded when measured against the same period in previous years. Clearly there are still barriers to overcome as businesses strive to provide enhanced value while managing an increasing cost base, but such positive results suggest that the region’s SME manufacturers are more than playing their part in helping to create a strong base for the country’s economic recovery.

“While well known for its strength in aerospace, Bristol is also home to an array of other thriving manufacturing sectors including medical, rail, electronics, printing and packaging and food and drink. MAS has supported many innovative companies including Pulse Roll Label Products, which specialises in the production of inks for the label printing industry. I have a great deal of confidence in our manufacturers, many of which are highly sophisticated and creative operations. We will continue to seize every opportunity to promote and support the development and growth of their products and services and to acknowledge the outstanding people working in this important sector of the economy.”

The national manufacturing growth forecast is now 3.6 per cent, a rise from the 2.7 per cent forecast at the beginning of the year. The Government has put a lot of effort into boosting the manufacturing sector and according to John Talbot from BDO in Bristol, it’s working. He said: “Government manufacturing policy is clearly paying dividends and is creating an environment in which South West manufacturers are comfortable enough to commit to future investment. This is a very positive indicator for the rest of the year.”

Phil Brownsord, EEF South West region director, added: “The continuing trend for strong positives is a further boost for businesses emerging from the shadow of the recession and a further boost to the local economy. Manufacturers in this region will also have an important role to play in helping to sustain broad based growth across the UK.”

Source: Bristol Post