Distribution premises in Bristol part of greenest city in the country

distribution premises bristol

Bristol has long been acknowledged as one of the greenest cities in the country, it is the home of leading national organisations such as the Environment Agency, Soil Association and cycling charity Sustrans and one of the main centres of the UK’s clean-tech industry, making it a very desirable place for companies to be linked to.

Many companies have pledged to cut their carbon emissions by 10 per cent over the next four years and so far more than 80 are involved, which between them employ 77,000 staff. Mr Billing said: “We are thrilled with the way things are going. Bristol has been at the forefront of the green economy. There is a real appetite for the renewable sector and Bristol has been the trailblazer.

“There are lots of factors in business that are variable and the trick is to control them as much as possible. By becoming more aware of carbon emissions, businesses can also take more control of their costs. There is a real demand and appetite not just from employers but also from consumers. Many of the bigger companies want to know that the suppliers they deal with have the right credentials and are sticking to their stated principles.”

Source: This is Bristol